Q&A with Cozy Up with Kathy
Curious about any of my series, maybe even what happens to Jaymie Leighton in the next Vintage Kitchen Mystery? I hint!!!
Q&A with Read Your Writes!
This was so much fun... thank you to Kim at
Read Your Writes! If you want to know more about Tempest in a Teapot, drop in! BTW, I love how she formatted this... it's so pretty, and I love the extra little graphics she has used!
Contest Links
Lori's Reading Corner!
Come meet Sophie Taylor at Dru's Book Musings, and enter before June 9th to win a copy of Tempest in a Teapot!
Come see me at Fresh Fiction, where I'm talking about Writing From Memory! Chances to win a prize package!
Fresh Fiction: Writing From Memory
And I'm also at Mystery Lovers Kitchen, where I'm sharing my
non-recipe for the World's Best Coleslaw!! And another GIVEAWAY! This one running through Friday!
Mystery Lovers' Kitchen
Hello, my lovelies!! I'm so pleased to be launching my new series, The Teapot Collector Mysteries written by Amanda Cooper (that's me!) and I'll be doing a couple of weeks of promotion.
As I appear on blogs, and we run contests for a prize package including the book, I'll be linking them here!
Also... in case you didn't know... for the months of June and July
Killer Characters will be running a massive two month blow out
Cozy Reads of Summer contest! We're each giving away prizes on our own day, but you have to check it out and comment EVERY day to be eligible for that day's contest!
Watch This Space! See you soon!